My Photo
Location: British Columbia, Canada

I'm a thirty-something girl who wants to see at least a thousand more amazing things before I die. I live for travel, good books, and amazing conversations. I'm a sometimes belly-dancer, a perpetual junk merchant, and spiders like me a lot. I have fooled myself into thinking I have a green thumb in the garden, but I do at least take some amazing photographs of flowers if I do say so myself. I used to be a "goth" but I'm way too cheerful nowadays, not that it's a bad thing but it's sometimes hard to reconcile skull-collecting and liking Martha Stewart in the same lifetime. I started out wanting to be a mortician and here I am a preschool teacher. You just never know how you'll end up. Oh yeah, and one of these days I'll retire in a little villa in Italy or France with Jeff and a couple of cats.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Ngorongoro Pics

September 3, 2005

These are the last of the pictures from Ngorongoro (for some reason I couldn't add them to my previous post.)

They show views over the Ngorongoro Crater as we left via the high and winding road, a few pictures of zebras of course, and a view of the inside of our Land Rover vehicle.

There is also one picture of Jeff and our African park guide and driver, Simon.

There is also one picture of a vervet monkey (a tombeli) crossing a dusty parking lot where an animal skull lies. It was here that I heard the crackling of the elephants breaking branches, but, try as I might, I couldn't spot them in the underbrush until I was leaving in the big truck and had a view from higher up.


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